Sunday, August 19, 2007

And it Rained ..............

Endings are elusive, middles nowhere to be found, but worst of all is to begin, to begin, to begin .....

Bonjour Mon Amis

I created this blog quite long back but didn't post anything so far. As the wisemen said, I was too afraid to do so. Or to keep the collar high, I would say that I was too busy with worldly affairs. In any case, here I am and trying to put some feeling into the words.

And it rained.

Passing through the summers
Feeling the heat & pain
I walked alone
Relishing what people call
A Blissful Journey.

Then it rained
I see children playing
Sopping & so innocent
I feel the relief …

As the world goes by
Diligent with daily routine
Keeping pace with their journey
I dare to look up.

I dare to look up
No one knows
That I cry
Drops mixing with my tears
I walk along.

The wait is never ending
I know, thou won’t come
I long for rain

I long for rain
And till then
I hide my tears
Not from thou but me

I walk along
This Blissful journey.


Rhetorical Device said...

well john...the journey has just about begun... keep going on!

nice start..

welcome to blogdom

SRI said...

Nice one sir:)
As per me words are from a painful heart.. reading this i remembered one nice saying which said by charlie chaplin i guess "let me walk in rain so that people don't see my tears".
poem is simple but unique..

Enough of lying i guess:)

Just kidding but the poem was very nice thats different that i din't get it:) NIce ONe

Priyanka said...

its beautiful

Chiniiz n Sugarz Mom.. Swati said...

so u had a hidden poet in you.. dint know it existed..